DIY Mom Shares Hack for Evenly Spacing on Boards for Patio Furniture


Hello, fellow DIY enthusiasts! It's me, your go-to DIY Mom, and today I'm thrilled to share a little hack I discovered while working on my latest patio furniture project. If you've ever struggled with getting those boards evenly spaced, then you're in for a treat!

The Problem: Unevenly Spaced Boards

We've all been there. You're building a beautiful piece of patio furniture, and everything is going smoothly until you get to the boards. No matter how hard you try, they just won't line up evenly. It's frustrating, time-consuming, and can make your finished product look less than professional.

The Solution: The DIY Mom Hack

After many trials and errors, I stumbled upon a simple yet effective method to ensure evenly spaced boards every time. And the best part? You probably already have everything you need in your home!

What You'll Need:

  1. The boards you're working with.
  2. A few playing cards or credit card-sized pieces of cardboard.
  3. A pencil.
  4. A ruler or measuring tape.


  1. Measure First: Start by measuring the total length of the area where you'll be placing your boards. This will give you an idea of how much space you have to work with.
  2. Determine the Number of Spaces: Decide how many boards you want to place and subtract one from that number. This will give you the number of spaces between the boards. For instance, if you're placing five boards, you'll have four spaces between them.
  3. Use the Cards: Here's where the magic happens. Take your playing cards or cardboard pieces and stack them together. This stack will act as your spacer. Depending on the width you want between your boards, you can increase or decrease the number of cards in your stack.
  4. Start Placing the Boards: Lay down your first board. Then, place the stack of cards or cardboard next to it. This will ensure you have an even space for the next board. Lay down the next board right next to your spacer. Continue this process until all boards are placed.
  5. Double-Check: Once all boards are down, take a step back and admire your work. Use your ruler or measuring tape to double-check the spaces. They should all be even!

Why This Hack Works

The beauty of this hack lies in its simplicity. By using a consistent spacer (like our stack of cards), we eliminate the guesswork and ensure each space is identical. It's a game-changer, especially for larger projects where small inconsistencies can become glaringly obvious.

Final Thoughts

I hope this little hack helps you as much as it has helped me. No more stressing over uneven boards! With this simple trick, you can ensure your patio furniture looks professional and polished every time. Happy DIY-ing, and remember, every challenge has a solution waiting to be discovered!

Until next time, Your DIY Mom.

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