This Stunning Kitchen Cabinet DIY Is Made Only from 3 IKEA Boxes

Transforming your kitchen can seem like a daunting and expensive task. However, one ingenious DIY enthusiast has shown that you can create stunning, custom kitchen cabinets using just three IKEA boxes. This budget-friendly and creative project not only saves money but also adds a unique, personal touch to your kitchen space. Here’s how this innovative DIY came to life and how you can replicate it in your own home.

The Inspiration

The DIY project was inspired by the need for affordable yet stylish kitchen cabinets. High-end custom cabinetry can be prohibitively expensive, and many off-the-shelf options lack personality. By using IKEA boxes, the DIYer was able to combine affordability with creativity, resulting in a bespoke look that enhances the kitchen’s overall aesthetic.

Materials Needed

To recreate this stunning kitchen cabinet DIY, you will need the following materials:

  • Three IKEA Boxes: These will serve as the main structure of your cabinets.
  • Wood Panels: For the cabinet doors and any additional framing.
  • Paint and Primer: To customize the look and match your kitchen’s color scheme.
  • Hardware: Handles, hinges, and screws to assemble and install the cabinets.
  • Tools: A drill, screwdriver, saw, measuring tape, and paintbrushes.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Assemble the IKEA Boxes

  • Start by assembling the three IKEA boxes according to the instructions. These boxes will form the base and main compartments of your kitchen cabinets.

2. Customize the Wood Panels

  • Measure the dimensions of the assembled boxes to determine the size of the wood panels needed for the cabinet doors.
  • Cut the wood panels to size and sand the edges for a smooth finish.
  • Prime and paint the wood panels in your desired color. Allow them to dry completely.

3. Attach the Doors and Hardware

  • Once the paint is dry, attach the wood panels to the IKEA boxes using hinges. Make sure the doors align properly and open smoothly.
  • Install handles or knobs on the cabinet doors. Choose hardware that complements your kitchen’s style.

4. Install the Cabinets

  • Secure the assembled cabinets to the wall. Ensure they are level and properly anchored for safety.
  • Add any additional shelving or dividers inside the cabinets if needed.

5. Finishing Touches

  • Touch up any paint and make sure all hardware is securely fastened.
  • Decorate your new cabinets with kitchen essentials and decor to complete the look.

Benefits of This DIY Project

1. Cost-Effective

  • Using IKEA boxes as the foundation for your cabinets significantly reduces costs compared to custom-built options. This project makes stylish kitchen upgrades accessible to more homeowners.

2. Customizable

  • This DIY allows you to customize the size, color, and style of your cabinets to perfectly match your kitchen. The flexibility in design ensures a unique look tailored to your taste.

3. Creative Satisfaction

  • There’s a special satisfaction that comes from creating something with your own hands. This project not only enhances your kitchen but also provides a sense of accomplishment and pride.

4. Environmentally Friendly

  • Repurposing IKEA boxes and using sustainable materials can be a more environmentally friendly option than purchasing new, mass-produced cabinets.

Tips for Success

1. Plan Ahead

  • Carefully plan your design and gather all necessary materials before starting the project. This will help avoid any delays and ensure a smoother process.

2. Take Accurate Measurements

  • Accurate measurements are crucial for a perfect fit. Double-check dimensions before cutting and assembling any parts.

3. Be Patient

  • DIY projects can be time-consuming, especially when painting and waiting for components to dry. Patience is key to achieving a high-quality finish.

4. Seek Inspiration

  • Look for inspiration and ideas from other DIY enthusiasts. Online communities and social media platforms are great resources for tips and motivation.


This kitchen cabinet DIY project demonstrates that with a little creativity and effort, you can achieve stunning results without breaking the bank. By using just three IKEA boxes and some additional materials, you can transform your kitchen into a stylish and personalized space. Whether you’re an experienced DIYer or a beginner, this project is a fun and rewarding way to enhance your home.

If you’re inspired to try this DIY, gather your materials, follow the steps, and enjoy the process of creating your beautiful kitchen cabinets. Happy crafting!

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