Filmmaker Shows How to Add a DIY Motor to a Basic Camera Slider

Hello fellow filmmakers and photography enthusiasts! I've been dabbling in film and photography for the better part of a decade, and if there's one thing I know, it's that achieving smooth, cinematic camera movement can be a bit of a challenge, especially when working on a budget. One tool that has become indispensable in my gear arsenal is a camera slider. These devices allow for those silky, linear camera movements that can elevate any production.

But, what if you could take it a step further? What if you could add automation to that movement? Well, today, I'm here to guide you through my recent DIY project: adding a motor to my basic camera slider. Let’s dive in!

Why Add a Motor?

Before we start with the how-to, you might be wondering, why add a motor in the first place? Automated movement allows for consistent, repeatable shots, ideal for visual effects or multiple takes of a scene. Plus, it frees up a hand, making it easier for solo filmmakers like me to manage other aspects of a shoot.

What You'll Need:

  1. A Basic Camera Slider - This is the foundation of our project. There are countless options available at various price points.
  2. A Small DC Motor - Ensure it has enough torque to move your camera setup.
  3. Pulley System or Gear - To translate the motor's rotation into linear movement.
  4. Speed Controller - To adjust the motor's speed.
  5. Battery Pack - To power the motor.
  6. Mounting Brackets & Screws - To attach the motor to the slider.
  7. Belts (if using a pulley system)
  8. Tools - Screwdrivers, pliers, soldering iron, etc.

The Process:

  1. Planning: Before jumping in, consider where you'll position the motor. It should be out of the shot and not interfere with the camera's movement. I placed mine at one end of the slider.
  2. Mounting the Motor: Using the brackets, securely attach the motor to your chosen position. Ensure it's firmly fixed, as any wobble can compromise your shots.
  3. Pulley or Gear Attachment: Connect the motor shaft to the pulley or gear. This step is crucial as this mechanism will convert the motor's rotational movement into the slider's linear movement. If you're using a belt and pulley system, loop the belt around both the motor's pulley and the slider's pulley.
  4. Speed Control: Connect the speed controller to the motor. This allows you to adjust the slider's speed. It's worth investing in a good controller, as smooth speed adjustments can make a world of difference in your shots.
  5. Powering Up: Connect your battery pack to the speed controller. Ensure your battery pack supplies the appropriate voltage for your motor.
  6. Testing: Before attaching your precious camera, test the system. Ensure that the movement is smooth, consistent, and that you can control the speed adequately.

Benefits & Considerations:

While the benefits of a motorized slider are numerous (consistent movement, hands-free operation, repeatability), there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Weight: Motors, especially powerful ones, can add considerable weight to your setup.
  • Noise: Motors can be noisy. Ensure the motor's sound doesn't interfere with your audio recording or consider using it in scenarios where audio isn't critical.
  • Power: Always have spare batteries on hand. It's a rookie mistake to have your motor die mid-shot.


Creating a DIY motorized slider has been a game-changer for my filmmaking process. Not only has it made certain shots easier to achieve, but it's also infused a professional touch to my productions. If you're looking to elevate your filmmaking game and love a good DIY project, give this a try! I promise the results will be worth the effort.

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